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TAURA study launches MWEDZI – a crowdsourcing competition about periods


Led by Dr. Mandikudza Tembo, TAURA (“Speak Up” in Shona), is a study looking to understand what women and healthcare providers need to address MH-related issues (including managing menstrual pain and bleeding, accessing menstrual products, water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, and accessing MH-related healthcare) in rural and urban settings in Zimbabwe, and the impact of these needs on their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). As part of this work, Dr. Tembo is collaborating with Ardent to conduct a public engagement (PE) competition to capture menstrual experiences across Zimbabwe through artwork (paintings and photography). Crowdsourcing of artwork will be used to bring a focus to MH-related issues in different contexts across Zimbabwe and will give voice to an often stigmatized and mystified subject matter. Shortlisted entries will be mentored to allow them to refine their work and work will be showcased within a menstrual health film and in subsequent workshops and discussions that will guide menstrual health resource and training tool development

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8 Ross Avenue, Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe

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