Study title: Evaluating the impact and cost-benefit of CAMFED's support for young women’s livelihoods in Tanzania and Zimbabwe
Lead Researcher(s)
Constance Mackworth-Young, Tsitsi Bandason, Nonhlanhla Ndondo, Nyasha Buwu, Collins Timire
CAMFED International
CAMFED International; CAMFED Zimbabwe; CAMFED Tanzania; LSHTM; EDI Global; Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)
Africa has the youngest population in the world, offering unprecedented potential for economic and social development, but only if new generations are empowered to realise their potential through opportunities for education, training and skills development and employment opportunities. A subgroup of young people who disproportionately come from marginalised backgrounds and face social exclusion and disempowerment are youth ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET), predominantly young women. Supporting and empowering youth who are NEET requires access to good quality education and training as a priority, combined with agency around marriage and their sexual and reproductive health, and female leadership to influence career aspirations and educational attainment.
Study aim(s)
To examine the impact, mechanisms of change and cost-benefit of CAMFED’s livelihoods programme on young women's economic activity, health and well-being in Tanzania and Zimbabwe
Study design
The evaluation design in Zimbabwe is a pre-post cohort study to measure change over time in the young women within CAMFED's livelihoods programme. A survey of 500 young women who have participated in CAMFED's livelihoods programme will be conducted at baseline, midline (12 months) and endline (24 months). In-depth qualitative methods of interviews with young women, focus group discussions with CAMFED guides, and observations of the programme and with the young women in their every day lives, will explore context and mechanisms of impact at each of the three data collection time points. We are running a Youth Researcher Academy with six CAMFED clients, who will be trained in research, and integral to the design of tools, generation of data, and analysis and interpretation of results
Study dates
October 2024 - October 2027